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Medical Equipment
Repair Service
Allograft Tissue
Fluid Management
Back Brace



Do you prefer PEEK?  We market the Lucent™ PEEK VBR System for both the lumbar and cervical spine.  Lucent provides excellent biocompatibility and strength. 

 The Design

• The design of the implant maximizes bony integration while maintaining stability
• The implant's superior and inferior ridges prevent migration and its large graft windows facilitate integration

The Instrumentation

• Secure delivery: instrumentation secures R with both threaded and grasping mechanisms.
• Strength and stability: PEEK material provides excellent biocompatibility, fracture resistance and dimensional stability.
• Optimized Placement: Radio-dense markers create optimum fluroscopic placement and easy post-operative  examination.
• Excellent Integration: Large interior graft space and generous graft windows optimize bony integration.



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Last modified: 08/16/10